7 Blues Scale Patterns Guitar Fretboard Diagram

7 Blues Scale Patterns - Sample Guitar Fretboard Diagram (KCM).jpg
7 Blues Scale Patterns - Sample Guitar Fretboard Diagram (KCM).jpg

7 Blues Scale Patterns Guitar Fretboard Diagram


Purchase this fingerboard diagram now to instantly receive a download link with a high quality image (600 DPI - JPEG file) with the watermark background removed.  Learn how to play and master all 7 of the Hexatonic/Six(6) Note, Blues Scales Patterns/Shapes & Positions across the entire fretboard in any key to become proficient at playing lead guitar.  Wanna shred, solo and play killer riffs and licks like a pro?  You'll need to learn these scales first!  Give it a try and experience an easy to follow and understand guide and recipe for becoming a talented blues guitar player.

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NOTE: This image is copyrighted by “Kevin Cody Music.” You have my express permission to reproduce this image and/or file if and only if it is for your sole personal educational use and/or archival purposes. You may not share this image and/or file with anyone else including but not limited to online publishing for any reason what so ever or you will be in violation of my exclusive rights and may be subject to prosecution in a civil court of law for copyright infringement.